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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Causes of High Cholesterol - The Causes and Tips to Lower High Cholesterol Level

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Causes of High Cholesterol - The Causes and Tips to Lower High Cholesterol Level
By George Christodoulou

The causes of high cholesterol are numerous and common. If you don't have high cholesterol and your looking for a preventative measure, I applaud you and your efforts. Prevention is the best solution.

There is a tipping point at a certain level where you enter a danger zone. Although it takes years of bad habits and age to amplify the problem, cholesterol only becomes a problem at a certain point. At this high point, you have to start changing your diet and exercise in order to prevent heart disease. The problem is you are no longer allowed to have a balanced diet. People with high cholesterol are told to avoid high cholesterol foods and for some, this is the only source of protein and important nutrients.

Your job is to understand what causes high cholesterol in order to keep your levels at bay. The first aspect of cholesterol that everyone needs to know about is that their are 2 different types.

Good Cholesterol (Also known as, HDL cholesterol) - This is the type of cholesterol in the body that removes extra cholesterol from the body. You see, the body needs cholesterol to form cell membranes, produce vitamin D, produce bile to digest fat, and many other things. You don't need too much cholesterol in order to follow through on these different processes. Your body uses HDL cholesterol in order to remove all the extra.

Bad Cholesterol (Also known as, LDL cholesterol) - This is the type of cholesterol that brings cholesterol to the rest of the body. Out of all the causes of high cholesterol, this has to be one of the most prominent. This type sends cholesterol to the cells. It is more likely to be turned into plaque by free radicals. When your cholesterol turns into plaque, it builds up on the artery walls. one day when your not aware, the bubble of plaque bursts and unleashes blobs of fat that get stuck and have the tendency to cause a heart attack.

The causes of high cholesterol really have to do a lot with the different types of cholesterol.

1. Overeating Saturated Fat Foods

If you eat foods with high saturated fat content, you are at a high risk for high cholesterol. Ingesting saturated fat always increases the level of cholesterol the body produces. The liver understands that their is more fat to process so it creates more cholesterol to take care of it. Remember, cholesterol is used in the production of bile. Since bile is necessary in order to process fat, cholesterol is required in order to produce bile.

In addition, fat is also turned into triglycerides or the basic form that is stored in the body. Cholesterol is required to transport this to the cells. Again, the more fat eaten, the more that has to be stored in the body. This is an additional burden that has to be carried through the blood and increases the constant level of cholesterol.

2. Lack of exercise

This is another one of the larger causes of high cholesterol in the body. Exercise is shown to increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. If you don't exercise, your good cholesterol will ultimately me lower. If your good cholesterol level is low, there is not enough of it to transport all the excess out of your body.

3. Genetics

Studies have shown that genetics has a lot to do with different cholesterol levels. Even if you stay on a healthy diet and exercise, you can still have high cholesterol. This is one of the causes of high cholesterol that is very difficult to explain and treat.

Now that you know what it takes to reach high levels of cholesterol, try to prevent that from ever happening by keeping fit, eating healthy foods, and above all, by taking the right supplement. If you are at risk for high cholesterol, it is recommended that your daily supplement be specific for high cholesterol. Studies have shown the preventative powers of cholesterol lowering supplements. Their ingredients are a special blend of different cholesterol managing substances, vitamins, and minerals.

If you would like more information on cholesterol lowering supplements, please visit: http://lowercholesterolreview.com

Again, to prevent the causes of high cholesterol, it is recommended that you take a cholesterol lowering supplement. They are all natural and very similar to a multivitamin except they contain a few extra ingredients that comes from all natural plant sources like rice, sugar cane, and wheat husk.

Please click here for more information: Cholesterol lowering supplement

I applaud you for your effort in learning about high cholesterol. It is the leading cause of heart disease in the world. By taking the time to make a difference now, you are choosing a more healthy lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=George_Christodoulou

Lower Cholesterol Level

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Does Red Yeast Rice Lower Cholesterol Level Safely?

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Lower Cholesterol Level Presents:

Does Red Yeast Rice Lower Cholesterol Level Safely?
By Max Wardlow

Does red yeast rice (RYR) lower cholesterol? Is it a safe natural alternative to the commonly prescribed cholesterol lowering drugs?

It has been used since the 7th century A.D. in China as both a food and medicinal nutrient. It has been noted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as having the benefits as both a promoter of blood circulation and a digestive stimulant.

It is a by-product of cooked rice on which red yeast has been grown. The rice is then dried, powdered and used medicinally.

Its effectiveness in lowering cholesterol is backed by reliable and consistent scientific data as well as centuries of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Based on a recent study, 62 people with high cholesterol took red yeast rice daily for six months, and the other half of the study participants received identical placebo capsules. They also made changes in eating habits, exercise and other lifestyle adjustments. After three months, the LDL (so-called "bad" cholesterol) levels of those taking the active supplements had declined 27%, compared to 6% in the placebo group.

The participants in this study were unable to continue treatment with prescription cholesterol lowering drugs, due to adverse and possibly dangerous side effects. There were no significant side effects reported while using RYR.

Is Red Yeast Rice Safe?

Those raising safety concerns say that since RYR contains natural statins similar in effect to cholesterol lowering drugs, it's logical that it would have the same risks. This argument is not valid because statins in prescription drugs have been chemically altered in a laboratory, whereas the statins in red yeast rice are naturally occurring.

Detractors often say that RYR is not regulated by the FDA and the supplements on the market vary in quality and may not be safe.

All dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA based on the guidelines of the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. Under DSHEA, supplement companies are responsible for determining that the nutritional supplements they manufacture are safe and that any claims made about them are substantiated by adequate evidence.

Although some critics argue that DSHEA is no regulation or excessively lax regulation, it seems that nutritional supplements are generally safe enough that this legislation does what it's intended to do. Almost never do you hear of dietary supplements causing extreme and/or dangerous side effects or death.

The same cannot be said about the pharmaceutical industry, where drugs that have proven to be dangerous are regularly recalled by the FDA and personal injury law suits are common.

Although acceptance in the mainstream medical community is slow, at this time, there is no solid evidence that red yeast rice is unsafe. Although there is some variation in the quality of nutritional supplements, and under DSHEA, consumers are responsible for locating high quality and safe supplements produced by firms that adhere to agreed upon good manufacturing practices (GMP).

Of course, you may want to consult your health care provider before starting any supplementation program or to have any questions or concerns addressed. Also, it's not recommended that you take red yeast rice if you're also taking prescription cholesterol lowering drugs.

At this time, research and centuries of use in traditional medicine show that the answer to the question, "does red yeast rice lower cholesterol safely?" is "yes it does." If you have high cholesterol and are unable to take prescription drugs because of side effects or you just want a safer, natural alternative, red yeast rice may be worth looking into.

Max Wardlow is an independent natural health and nutritional supplement researcher and helps manage a website about natural remedies. Visit today to find out more about red yeast rice supplements

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Wardlow

Lower Cholesterol Level